The F-words drive us. F L E X A G I L I T Y. F U T U R E. F O C U S . F R E S H - T H I N K I N G. F U N.
The FlexAgility team have deep experience in strategic organisational change, team culture, strengths-based leadership, unconscious bias, unwritten rules, and wellbeing at work - all important aspects of hybrid team based flexibility. Our team includes qualified trainers, coaches, data analysts and researchers who have extensive experience working in federal and state government, ASX listed companies and not-for-profit organisations. We are skilled at collaborative engagement and working with clients to deliver practical training and coaching programs.
Vanessa Vanderhoek has a well deserved reputation for delivering results in flexible work and leadership consulting, training and coaching.
Based on her personal experience in executive roles and managing geographically dispersed (flexible and agile) teams, Vanessa has witnessed firsthand the productivity benefits for business, and how it drives the attraction and retention of top talent.
Vanessa has a unique position of having sat on both sides of the fence. She was an executive for 10 years, and over the course of her career, adopted many different types of flexible work, including full-time flexible, part-time, shift‑work, compressed work weeks, working remotely, ‘fly-in, fly-out’, career break (to live and ski in Canada!), leave without pay, long service leave and carer’s leave. Some of these flexible work arrangements were due to the nature of her roles, while many others were adopted by Vanessa as a choice for her personal and family life, and health and wellbeing.
Vanessa holds a Bachelor of Commerce and is a highly experienced management consultant and a qualified (and engaging!) trainer and coach.
Want to learn more about how our training and coaching programs can help you to meet hybrid flexible work capability gaps in your workforce?
Contact us today and we will be in touch.